Hamza Safety Essentials

Force Majeure: As per prevalent condition, force majuere clause applies which includes extraordinary events such as economic conditions,
usd uncontrolled fluctuations, ban on import by govt., & all other factors beyond the control of the firm.

Why You Need Safety Glasses

Safety takes many forms. When you’re someone who likes to take your firearms out to the shooting range, you need to make sure you know all of the rules and details on how to handle, assemble, and store your gun. You also want to make sure you have a firm understanding of how to protect […]

Hello world!

Safety takes many forms. When you’re someone who likes to take your firearms out to the shooting range, you need to make sure you know all of the rules and details on how to handle, assemble, and store your gun. You also want to make sure you have a firm understanding of how to protect […]

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